strings / thin, tenuous, hard to grasp / though still connected / not entirely forgotten

connected to what?

what happens / when we pull / when we reel in / when I become slightly less unwhole / for a moment

reverse the rot / bring back the pain / mend

just to feel the shattering again

I remember / and thus know why / we forgot 

what I want to know though / is something else / something more fearsome / why did we keep those threads?

why did we give ourselves / a replay button / for every stab / every beating / every touch / every whisper

why can't we just disintegrate / for good

why / can't we ever seem / to let go of each other

all i see / all i can map out

are tiny glints of those below / and the edges / the borders of their pit

no silver have I / none will let down a rope

let them rot

we're only passing by